Douglas S. Massey is Henry G. Bryant Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at Princeton University, where he is co-director of the Mexican Migration Project at the Office of Population Research. Massey’s research focuses on international migration, race and housing, discrimination, education, urban poverty, and Latin America, especially Mexico. He is the author, most recently, of Crossing the Border: Research from the Mexican Migration Project (with Jorge Durand), and International Migration: Prospects and Policies in a Global Market (co-edited with J. Edward Taylor).

Massey is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a past President of the American Sociological Association and the Population Association of America. He received the 2004 Otis Dudley Duncan Award from the Population Section of the American Sociological Association (for Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Mexican Immigration in an Era of Economic Integration), he was elected a member of American Philosophical Society, and he was the W.E.B. DuBois Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2003-2004. He is a member of the Committee on National Statistics, National Research Council, and he serves on the editorial boards of Annual Review of Sociology, International Migration Review, Migraciones Internacionales, Ethnicities, Social Science Research, Social Science Quarterly, and Race and Society.

Previously Massey was Professor of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Chicago.

In 2005 the Cato Institute published Massey’s study, “Backfire at the Border: Why Enforcement without Legalization Cannot Stop Illegal Immigration.”